Every School should normally have a minimum site area as specified in the following schedule:
Note:- (1) The Educational Officers may examine the need for additional
site in each case and order the provision of the same with the sanction of
the Director.
(2) In the case of Basic Schools the area of the site and the dimensions of the classrooms should be as prescribed by the Director. These schools are expected to have sufficient land for agricultural purposes.
Lower Primary Schools Upper Primary Schools with or without Lower Primary Section | .4 to .8 Hectares |
Secondary Schools (High Schools) with or without Primary Section | 1.2 to 2 Hectares |
Higher Secondary Schools with or without Primary Section | 1.2 to 2 Hectares |
Training Schools with or without Model Schools | 1.2 Hectares |
(2) In the case of Basic Schools the area of the site and the dimensions of the classrooms should be as prescribed by the Director. These schools are expected to have sufficient land for agricultural purposes.
Selection of site
(1) Sites for school buildings should be on elevated level and they should be well drained and in clean and healthy surroundings. Land under wet cultivation or with made soil or soil retentive of moisture should be avoided. The sites should be accessible to all communities. A proper approach road should be provided where the school is near a main road. A board giving the full name and designation of the school should also be put up in front of the school.
(2) School in urban areas should as far as possible be so located that they are free from the noise and congestion of the city or the town. The neighborhood of dusty and noisy roads and of shops and factories should as far as possible be avoided. The vicinity of tanks and canals is a disadvantage to school. Provided that this rule shall not apply to existing schools.
Playground and Garden
(1) The sites should be provided with
compound walls or good fencing.
(2) Every school shall have suitable playgrounds for games and sports.
The site should contain sufficient clear space for the purpose.
(3) The compound should be kept fairly levelled and clear of rank
(4) The manager and Head of every school should put forth their best
efforts for laying out gardens in the premises. Efforts also should be made
for planting suitable trees in the school compond so that pupils may play
and rest under them during leisure hours. Care should be taken to see
that trees are so planted as not to (a) reduce unduly the space available for
play, and (b) obstruct the entry of the light into the class rooms or in
course of time cause damage to the structure.
School buildings to be situated away from places of burial or cremation
and liquor shops:-
(1) No school building shall be situated within a
distance of 50 metres from a public burial place or public cremation
ground. In the case of concrete Vaults, the distance shall not be less than
25 metres. The Public burial place or public cremation ground or the
concrete vaults shall not be visible from the school site. The visibility shall
be prevented by constructing adequately high walls, not less than 6 feet in
height in between the burial place or cremation ground or the concrete
vaults, as the case may be and the school compound.]
(2) There shall be no place for sale of liquors within 183 metres of any
Provided that this rule shall not apply to existing schools.
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